Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturn's Return

A couple years ago, I was taking an enameling class in Oakland, CA. While working on a project, I made a comment about some stuff going on in my life.. The instructor, an old soul as well as a phenomenal enameling artist, asked how old I was and stated I was entering my "Saturn Return." Never before had I heard any one reference that before.. needless to say I was intrigued and started doing research.

Am I at a major threshold/crossroad in my life, leaving my youth and entering the next stage of life... Is chaos another name from opportunity? Is breaking down necessary for a breakthrough?

Subconsciously I was looking for a change, as I had been living my life like Bill Murray's movie, "Groundhog Day." Working a less than inspiring job, eating unhealthily, sleeping miserably, and repeating unenthusiastically. Perhaps its more like "Office Space," though, my stapler is purple..

Change does not happen over night. It's been a gradual process but I am slowly and methodically modifying my life for what I feel is for the better. I no longer am waiting for my knight in shining armor to come whisk me away. I am no longer shy or (as) nervous to do things on my own. Perhaps that was one of the biggest hurdles I've had to overcome. Life was just passing me by as I waited...waited...and waited some more for something major to change and make me happy. Life is like wine, it's only getting better with age.

Like anything else, this post is a work in progress...